Indonesia's First Ten Films
I just know that before independence, the Indonesian state had released the film. the firsttime the film is Loetoeng Kasaroeng. that in the starring by Martoana and Omar,appeared in 1926 woow....and below I will show some movies that first appeared in Indonesia
1. Loetoeng kasaroeng
Loetoeng Kasaroeng is an Indonesian film in 1926. Although produced and directed byDutch filmmaker, this film is the first film came out in trade involving the actor Indonesia. starring ; Martoana , Omar
2. Eulis atjih (1927)
A family melodrama, silent film genre, the film is directed by G. Kruger and starringArsad & Soekria. The film waswas screened with keroncong music performed bygroups led by Kajoon ,a popular musician at the time . Acts EULIS Atjih, a faithful wifewho has to live with her poor children because her husband left the left to dissipate with another woman, although with different problems, ultimately, the greatness of his heartEULIS willing to accept the return of her husband even though her husband had falleninto poverty.Starring ; Arsad , Soekria
3. Lily van java (1928)
The film company that produced The South Sea Film and manufactured in June 1928.Tells the story of the girl who arranged marriage her parents when she had a choice.First created by Len H. Roos, an American who was in Indonesia for Java on the film.When he returned, followed by Nelson Wong in collaboration with David Wong, GeneralMotors employees perusaahaan important in Batavia with an interest in art, formingHatimoen Film. In the end, the film Lily van Java was taken over by Halimoen. According to journalist Leopold Gan, the film is still favored for many years until the film is damaged. Lily van Java is the first Chinese movie made in Indonesia.Starring ; Lie lian hoa, Lie bouw tan, Kwee tiang an, Yah Kwee pang
4. Resia Borobodoer (1928)

The film is produced by refinancing Film Co., starring Oliver Young, a silent film that tellsof young people is a pei fen book Resia (secret), belonging to his father who tells thestory of a famous temple (Borobudur). It is also said in the temple there is a priceless treasure, that urn containing the ashes of Gautama Buddha.
Starring ;Olive Young
5. Njai dasima (1928)
This film comes from an essay by G. Francis in 1896 taken from a true story, the story of a lover, Njai (ruler) that occurred in Tangerang and Dasima Batavia / Batavia thatoccurred around the year 1813-1820's. Nyai Dasima, a girl from Kuripan, Bogor, WestJava. He became the mistress of an Englishman named William Edward. Therefore, he eventually moved to Batavia / Batavia. Because the beauty and richness, Dasimabecome famous. Samiun weight of a fan who was so happy to have Nyai Dasimaconvince Mak Nyai Dasima Buyung to convince to accept his love. Pitcher Mak was able to convince Dasima Samiun although already married. Nyai Dasima wasted untilafter Samiun used successfully as a young wife.
Starring ; N. Noerhani, Anah, Wim lender, Momo
6. Setangan Berloemoer darah
The film, directed by San Tan Boen, after looking at several sources, the synopsis of the film is not yet known with certainty.
7. Rampok preanger (1929)
Examining the mother has never occupied the school in 1920 was a famous singer inBandung keroncong Radio (Nirom Indies), who often sing around the area aroundBandung. Then you enter the world of Tonil as a player and singer who had an exhibitionin the area of East Priangan. Play movie in 1928 which led to his next three films. Thefilms were all silent films. When Halimoen film closed in 1932, also examining themother is missing from the world of cinema. But until the outbreak of World War II, he continued to sing and had also made a record in Singapore and Malaysia. In 1935 he died at age 69 because of liver pain.
Starring ; Ining resmini, MS ferry
8. Si Tjonat (1929)
The story in this movie spin on the story of someone who has been nicknamed theTjonat. Naughty since childhood, the Tjonat (Tjip A Lie), he fled to Batavia (Jakarta) afterkilling his friend. In this city has become a waiter, a Dutchman, instead of thanking youfor a job, has also undermined Gammer treasure of his master. He soon became a professional to become a thief, and fell in love with Lie Gouw Nio (Ku Fung May). Butunrequited love, the refusal to escape from Tjonat Gouw Nio. Business badly hindered by Thio Sing Sang (Herman Sim), that value.
Starring ; Lie A tjip, Kungfu may, Herman Sim
9. Si Ronda (1930)
The film is directed by Swie Lie Tek & A. LOEPIAS (Director of Photography), andstarring Bachtiar Efendy & Momo. The film tells the story of a hero fights that containelements of Chinese culture.
Starring ; Bachtiar Effendy, Momo
10. Boenga Roos dari Tjikembang (1931)
First silent film in Indonesia, the film tells the history of relations between ethnic Chineseand indigenous. In this film, Chun Teng acted as a director and camera. This story waswritten by Kwee and Dalia Union had staged the work in 1927, although only a summaryof the story, which is about the Indo-Tiong. And the film is reported by the authors ofChinese films have done this in Java is the work of the Indo-Tiong.
nice usefull post for me tnkx