Monday, March 21

What is Register


Then what was actually intended to register?.
   Register a partial memory of the microprocessor that can be accessed with a very high speed. In doing his job microprocessor always use registers as an intermediary, so the register can be likened to a foot and hand microprocessor.


1. Segmen Register

Registers are included in this group consists of registers CS, DS, ES and SS each of which is a 16-bit registers. Registers in this group are generally used to indicate the address of a segment.
- Register CS (Code Segment) is used to indicate the place of the currently active segment.

- register SS (Stack Segment) shows the location of the segments used by the stack. Both these registers should not be any change because it will cause chaos in your program later.

- Register DS (Data Segment) is usually used to indicate the segment where the data stored in the program. Generally the contents of these registers do not need to be changed unless the resident program.

- Register ES (Extra Segment)
as the name suggests is a bonus registers do not have a specific task. ES register is usually used to indicate an address in memory, eg video memory address. In addition there are 80 386 processor 16-bit segment registers, the FS and GS <Extra <Extra Segment> Segment>.

2. Pointer and Index Registers.

   Registers are included in this group are registers SP, BP, SI and DI, each consisting of 16 bits. Registers in the group

This is generally used as a pointer or a pointer to a location in memory.
- Register SP (Stack Pointer) is paired with the segment register
SS (SS: SP) is used to mununjukkan address from the stack, whereas
- Register BP (Base Pointer) is paired with the register SS (SS: BP) recorded an address in memory where data.

- Register SI (Source Index) and register DI (Destination Index) is usually used in a string operation with direct access to the address in memory which is shown by these two registers. In addition there are 80 386 processor 32-bit registers, namely ESP, EBP, ESI and EDI.

3. General Purpose Register.

Registers are included in this group are registers AX, BX, CX and
DX, each of which consists of 16 bits.

- Register AX, typically used in arithmetic operations, especially in the operations division and reduction.

- Register BX, usually used to indicate an offset address of a segment.

- Register CX, used exclusively in the operation loops where this register determines how many loops that would happen.

- Register DX, is used to accommodate the rest of the division of 16 bits. In addition there are 80 386 processor 32-bit registers, ie EAX, EBX, ECX
and EDX.

4. Index Pointer Register

   Register IP paired with CS (CS: IP) shows dimemory address where the instructions (commands) to be executed next.

5. Flags Register.
   As the name implies Flags (Flag) registers indicate the condition of a state <yes or no>.


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